The founder of the British laboratory for innovation in the design of Stromatolite, Michela Magaš, was proclaimed for the EU innovator of the year. It is the first such award of the EU that is awarded from the funds of the program Obzor, 2010. Magaš won the first place and a prize worth 100,000 euros for her lab with the study in Sweden that develops next generation of incubation and creative technological tools for innovations. The second award 50,000 euros won Peter Wadström from Sweden and 30,000 euros, third place Claudia Gärtner from Germany. All three women are leaders in their fields, they are founders of successful companies on their own innovative ideas that are not afraid to take risks in order to achieve success. The winner in the category “innovator in the emerging” is Kristina Cvetanova from Bulgaria.
This award wants to draw public attention to the need for more innovation and entrepreneurs as well as recognizing the success of women in the innovation world (only 31% of entrepreneurs EU are women).