Public call for the commercialization of innovations in entrepreneurship supports projects focused on new products and services that have a positive impact on business results and growth of companies. This call is intended for micro, small and medium enterprises for stimulating investments necessary for the application of research results, development and innovations. Non-refundable funds are awarded with delivery deadline of project applications by 31st December 2017. or until the utilization of available funds, that amount 114 million kuna. The largest amount of funds is 7.6 million kuna and the lowest is 760 000 kuna.
For these projects are organized also informative workshops for entrepreneurs. These days were held in Zagreb, Rijeka and Osijek. Their schedule in other cities is as follows:
Split – 13th February 2017. at 10 am in the premises of Croatian Chamber of Commerce Split, Ante Trumbića 4
Varaždin – 15th February 2017 at 10 am, Croatian Chamber of Commerce Varaždin, Petra Preradovića 17th
Applications for the workshops are conducted via e-mail